I signed Mr. G and I up to feed the sister missionaries this last Monday. I'm sure Mr. G is getting tired of all the crazy things that I sign him up to do without his permission, but he is always a good sport. Anyway, I wanted to make a fun dessert for the sisters without having to go to the store. Now, our newlywed cupboards are looking a little sparse lately so I knew this would be a task. I remembered that we had cream cheese in the fridge, and I always have chocolate cake mix on hand, so I decided that homemade Oreos would be the perfect treat to feed the sisters. Simple, but fun. Not to mention homemade Oreos are Mr. G's favorite treat so I thought I'd be earning big points for this one.
Come to find out, I did not have a chocolate cake mix. Shoot. I'm losing points with Mr. G, and the sisters will not have a delicious dessert to enjoy. All I found in our newlywed cupboard was a Butter Cake Mix. BUTTER. What the heck can I do with that? Since I enjoy experimenting with food, I decided that since the color of the cake mix is yellow, I'm going to pretend it's a yellow cake mix. Hmmm.... LIGHTBULB! I'll make homemade UH-OH Oreos! Genius! I'm not sure how they'll turn out, but I'll give it a try!
I threw in some chocolate chips that I found in the newlywed cupboard and was feeling pretty excited about my recipe. BUT, WAIT! I suddenly remembered that Mr. G and I bought a pack of Oreos last week for a recipe (the post will come in a few days) and we had some left over. YUM. How about I crush some of those up to put in the cookies? Oh, wait! What about the filling? Ya, I'll crush some up and throw 'em in the filling as well. What a treat!
Let me tell you friends, these were heaven on earth! To quote Mr. G:
"Sar these are really good. Like, REALLY good. I don't think you understand how good these are."
Given, Mr. G compliments my food always. He's a good husband that way. But, these seriously are to die for. Also, they are super rich! Make sure you have a glass of milk handy. Anyway, If you are looking for a twist to the standard homemade Oreo, give them a try! You will not be disappointed.
Homemade Uh-Oh Crushed Oreo Cookies
1 Yellow Cake Mix (Try Butter!)
3/4 Cup Butter
2 Eggs
3/4 Cup Chocolate Chips
5-7 whole Oreo Cookies, crushed (more or less- depending on your preference)
1 (8 ounce) Package Cream Cheese, softened
1/2 Cup Butter
2 Tablespoons Vanilla
2 Cups Powdered Sugar
4-6 whole Oreo Cookies, crushed (more or less- depending on your preference)
In a large bowl, combine cake mix, the 3/4 cup butter, and eggs. Chill about 10 minutes. Roll into small balls. Place on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 7-9 minutes. Cool.
To prepare filling, beat cream cheese, the 1/2 cup butter, and vanilla together. Add powdered sugar and mix together. Add the crushed up Oreo Cookies. Spread filling on top of cookie, and then top with another cookie.
*Makes about 2 dozen cookies.