First: I fell in love with the most incredible man I've ever met.
Sean and I have known each other since May. We met through some friends, and will be forever grateful to them for thinking we'd hit things off... because we sure did! We had the best summer together and started dating in July. He is truly my best friend and the guy of my dreams! Seriously, I feel like I walked up to this machine that creates your "dream guy" and typed in everything I'd ever want in a man, and out popped Sean. I never knew that I could love someone the way that I love Sean, or that I could feel such happiness either! Okay, okay, sorry for the cheesiness... ha ha basically it's been a blast! We seriously do the silliest things sometimes, but we definitely have a good time! Here's a little glimpse of some of the things we've been doing...
Attending Ugly Sweater Christmas Parties...

Going to see Mary Poppins...

Dressing up for Halloween as 50's folk...

Going on a field trip with my mom's class to the zoo...

Going to Jazz Games...
Taking a trip to California with my family...
Hooray for Disneyland!
We loved the beach!
Godiva is always heaven!
Those are just a few of the fun things we've been doing. I really love being with Sean!
And you wanna know what the best part is?

He feels the same way about me :)

So, on May 12, 2012 we're getting married!!!!!

I'm so excited I can't even stand it! Anyways, that's something that has been keeping me busy lately.
Second: School, School, School!
This year of school has contained the craziest semesters I've ever had. I am working on my special education semesters this year, and I love it, but I have never been so overwhelmed and stressed in my whole life. I have met some incredible people and have learned so much. I love special education with all of my heart and I know that it is something that I am supposed to do. I just hope that with all of this schooling I will be an effective special education teacher. I am working so hard and trying to absorb all of the information that I receive. I have had wonderful opportunities to teach Reading to special education students, and now math. It is a challenge, but it is very rewarding at the same time. I teach in the mornings each day and then I go to my college classes in the evenings. Jam packed days, but all positive and full of learning experiences. USU's special education program is ranked 17th in the nation, so I know that although the program is very rigorous, I am in good hands.
These girls are some of me dear friends who I met through the special ed program. I don't know what I'd do without them!

One of the incredible teachers and para-educators that I had the opportunity to teach in their classroom.

Third: Being an aunt!
I love these two little boys so much! I wish I could spend more time with them and see them more often, but when I do I am so happy! They are both growing up so much and I love when I get the chance to play with them!
I know this picture is blurry, but cute little B had the giggles and was wiggling so I couldn't get a clear picture! It was so stinkin' cute that I had to share!

Isn't he the cutest little guy ever? He sure has grown up since this picture was taken. He is so busy and curious about everything! He loves to play with toys and is crawling now!

Here's cute little Ashton boy!
He's such a busy guy! He loves to run around, play outside, and watch "ball" (football, basketball, etc.)
There ya have it! Those are some of the big things that have made my last six months busy, but so wonderful! I have still baked a little bit, not as much as I would like, but I try to make time for it! Sean and I recently made this yummy sugar cookies for Valentine's day. They are my aunt Cindy's sugar cookies, and boy are they delicious! If you want a soft, yummy, homemade sugar cookie, this is the recipe to try! We frosted them with some cream cheese frosting that I found from Tasty Kitchen. This frosting is heaven!!!!Give them a shot! You won't be disappointed... trust me.

Aunt Cindy's Sugar Cookies
Cream together:
2 cups sugar
1 cup butter
beat in 3 eggs
1 cup milk mixed with 1 tsp soda
1tsp vanilla
Then add:
6 cups flour
1 tsp salt
4 tsps baking powder
Chill for an hour. Bake for 8 -10 minutes at 350 degrees.
The Only Cream Cheese Frosting You'll Ever Need
From: Comfortably Domestic at Tasty Kitchen (here)
-8 ounces, weight Cream Cheese, softened
-1-½ teaspoon Vanilla Extract
-½ cups Butter, Softened
-3-½ cups Sifted Powdered Sugar (or More Depending On Desired Consistency
Preparation Instructions
1. Cream together cream cheese, vanilla and butter until fluffy.
2. Sift or whisk powdered sugar to aerate it.
3. Stir powdered sugar into cream cheese mixture, 1 cup at a time, until well blended.
4. Makes enough to generously frost a 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan, 24 cupcakes, or an 8-inch layer cake.
Enjoy!! Check out the link for this frosting because she has many different variations to try.