Let me introduce you to my dear friend K.C. John. K.C. is serving a mission in Brazil right now, and he is doing great! He is such an example to me of someone who works hard and doesn't give up. Any trial he faces only makes him that much stronger. I am so thankful to have him as a friend! K.C. is also an incredible soccer player! It is so fun to him play watch! This is a picture of us at his last game before his mission. K.C. is one of my very, very best friends and I'm excited for him to come home!
So that's why I am celebrating 100 today! Will you celebrate with me? How about you celebrate 100 too and make these cookies-
YUM. Are you drooling yet? If so, take a minute to grab a napkin and wipe off your keyboard and then listen up! These are S'mores stuffed chocolate chip cookies and they are heaven! I don't know about you guys but I am totally ready for summer! You know- campfires, camping trips, swimming, vacations, s'mores, etc. Well, here's a little taste of summer right here. I did a little cookie experiment a couple of weeks ago and these were one of the recipes that I tried. You can find the recipe over at Picky Palate! I am always so impressed with all of the creations that she comes up with. They are always so cute and so delicious!
Anyways, give them a shot! These cookies are MASSIVE. Seriously you could probably share one with someone. My mom and I split one and we were both content with our portion sizes- which is rare. :)
Have a wonderful 100 day celebration everyone!